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About Us

“Sharing God’s Love through Jesus Christ” is the Mission Statement of our Family of Faith here at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Amery, Wisconsin.


It’s a short and a sweet Mission Statement, made up of only six small words.


But, those six small words say a great, great deal about who we are, and about what we believe and about what we are all about.


“…God’s Love…” – Everything starts here – with God’s Love.


Because God loved, He created all things to be a home for humanity to live, and to work, and to play and to pray.  Because God loved, He gave life, and  light, and laughter and love to all people.


Because God loved, He gave us His Holy Word.  He gave us His Law, where He shares His will for us and, because we sin, the utter impossibility for us to carry out His will.  He gave us His Good News; He gave us His Gospel,---where He shares just how far He would go to save us from our sins and to save us from ourselves.


Or, to put it another way:  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Saint John 3:16).


“…through Jesus Christ” – God’s Love was and is shown and is given most clearly and most completely in the person and in the work of Jesus of Nazareth.


The true Son of God, Himself, in the flesh, was born the true Son of the virgin Mary.


Jesus lived a perfect life, as He lived His life to share God’s Love through His teachings and through His healings; through His Word and through His work.


Jesus, ultimately, lived a perfect life, so that He could take all of humanity’s imperfection and sin onto Himself, and so, to save us from ourselves and from our sins.


This was all accomplished for all of us, as Jesus was brutally put to death by being crucified and killed on a cross.


But, God’s Love did not die,---as three days later, God, the Father, raised His Son, Jesus, up from death to Life again,---never, ever to die again.


With His life, and with His death and with His Resurrection, God’s Love is given to us through the workings of His Holy Spirit in His Holy Word, and in the waters of His Holy Baptism and in His real Body and real Blood, given to us in the bread and in the wine of His Holy Supper; of His Holy Eucharist,---or Holy Communion.


The promise of living forever in Heaven with God, the Father, and with Jesus, God’s Son, and with God, the Holy Spirit, and with all who live in faith and with all who die in faith, is given to us in God’s Word and in God’s Sacraments – and this promise will come true one day when Jesus comes and takes all who believe in Him Home to Heaven.


And, - it’s all free.  It doesn’t cost us a thing, as Saint Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9:  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith---and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God---not by works, so that no one can boast.”


“Sharing…” – This is where we and all Christians are brought into the picture.


We have received all that is God’s incredible Love, especially through Jesus Christ.


But, God didn’t give all of this to all of us for us to simply keep it all to ourselves.


Instead, Jesus commands us and invites us to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  (Saint Matthew 28:19-20).


Basically, Jesus is commanding and inviting us to share with all others anything and everything that He has first shared with all of us,---especially His Love, and His Forgiveness and our Faith in Him.


This sharing can be done by telling others the Good News of God’s Love through Jesus Christ.  It can be done in acts of kindness, and compassion and care.


It can be done in reaching over, and in reaching across and in tearing down all of the walls and the barriers that have been built up and that separate those with different skin color, or different ethnic background, or different economic status, or different gender, or lifestyle, or religious denomination-------and freely giving God’s Love to all others-------with no strings attached.


We strive to “Share God’s Love through Jesus Christ” as Christians, who see and who understand God’s Word and God’s Love through the Lutheran lenses of “Sola Gratia”, “Sola Fide” and “Sola Scriptura” – “Grace Alone”, “Faith Alone”, “Scripture Alone”


We, as Christian Lutherans, join together with all Christians around the world in “Sharing God’s Love through Jesus Christ.”


That is who we are.


That is what we do.


That is why we’re here.


We would be honored and we would be blessed---if you would join us.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

600 Keller Ave. S.

Amery, WI 54001



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